2019 was a busy year for the Sendero Internacional de los Apalaches España.
In April, the Maragatos de las Villuercas Hiking Club led the annual hike on the route of Alfonso Onceno, (King Alfonso XI) on the SIA between the towns of Navezuelas and Guadalupe.

In May, a geology-themed hike was conducted through the Guadarranque syncline. The 490-420 m.y. old structure is of great paleontological importance owing to its fossil deposits of trilobites, brachiopods, graptolites, bivalve molluscs, gastropods and cephalopods, echinoderms, etc.

On Saturday June 8 the SIA held their regular Appalachian Day in Higuera de Albalat, a crossroads between El Camino Natural del Tajo, Monfragüe National Park and the Villuercas area, Ibores Jara. Activities included talks, workshops and, of course, hikes.
Throughout the summer and fall the SIA participated in several other events including the Siberian International Film Festival, Environmental Week in Higuera de Albalat, mountain bike races, volcano tours, gold panning and beekeeping!
Visit the Sendero Internacional de los Apalaches website and Facebook pages for detail on these and upcoming events in 2020.