First Steps for the International Appalachian Trail in Zamora

The Zamora province in northwest Spain provides an excellent example of Appalachian geology on the Iberian Peninsula. Not far from the border with Portugal, the Sierra de Carpurias are part of the Sinforme de Alcañices, a large, folded geologic structure (aka a “syncline”) that formed between 380 to 280 million years ago as Spain, Portugal and northwest Africa slowly collided with what is now the east coast of North America.

Geologist Manuel Iglesias Aguirre has been developing a 17 km trail through the Sierra de Carpurias. The trail runs through the mountains near the town of Morales del Rey where, in addition to many interesting geologic features, it passes through 100-year-old cork oak forests. SIA-España is hoping to continue trail development in this area, so stay tuned for more news! Read more…
SIA-España educates Interpreter Guides about the SIA / IAT

On March 18th, Interpreter Guides for the Calatrava Volcanoes Geopark Project (Ciudad Real) received a one-day class on the origin, mission and vision of the SIA / IAT from Professor of Physical Geography at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Rafael Ubaldo Gosálvez Rey & SIA-España president Ruth Hernández Paredes. The class focused on how the SIA / IAT helps to join people and cultures through geo-tourism. Other topics included an overview of Appalachian geology, development of sustainable and accessible activities and the influence the SIA / IAT has on the communities it passes through. Read more here.
New SIA / IAT Information Panels

Finally, SIA-España has begun installing information panels at key locations on the trail. The eye-catching panels briefly explain the SIA / IAT and its significance to the surrounding area and provide specific descriptions of the route at each location. The panels also include QR codes which allow users to link to downloadable maps of the trail on their smart phones via Wikiloc.

Currently, panels have been installed in Navatrasierra and in Deleitosa with more to come this summer!