The Board of the Maine IAT and I give a heartfelt Congratulations! to Eb “Nimblewill Nomad” Eberhart who, at age 83, became the oldest person to hike the Appalachian Trail.

I have known Nimblewill for over 20 years. He was not the first to hike the IAT, but he most certainly was one of the first to put us on the map. His two books – Ten Million Steps and Where Less the Path is Worn helped inspire two decades worth of hikers to trek the IAT. Nimblewill also gave me my trail name, “No Pack”, on the summit of Mont Logan on the Gaspé Peninsula after observing that I never carried anything.

At age 87, there is a chance I could beat Nimblewill’s record. But I’d never do that to my good friend!
May you hike many more miles and I look forward to sharing a Yuengling with you next time you’re in Maine!