The energetic duo from Newfoundland, Paul Wylezol and Arne Helgeland, spent some time in June working on improvements on the IATNL Humber Valley Trail sections between Ballam Bridge and Humber Village. Though they don’t have a bridge yet, Paul reports that “hikers with a modicum of balance can once again cross Wild Cove Pond Brook without dipping their toes in the water”.

In Spain, Ruth Hernandez reports that, thanks to the efforts of NGO Humanitarian Mission and Castile la Mancha SIA representative José Antonio Morales, SIA tags have been added to a new section of the trail in the “Lands of Calatrava”.

This area of Spain is famous among geologists for Calatrava volcanic field which consists of more 300 volcanic structures formed between the Pliocene or late-Pleistocene (roughly 8 to 1 million years ago).

Back in the U.S., Eric and Elaine Hendrickson have been busy checking various sections of the IAT in preparation for some limited (and physically distant) trail work later this summer. Elaine reports that the IAT in the southern and northern sections of the Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument are in fairly good condition, though shrubs are growing up in a few areas. However, a KWW ranger reports that there are several blowdowns (aka windfalls) the central section of the trail. Hikers be warned!